How many of you have experienced pain in your shoulders?  All of the sudden out of nowhere your shoulder starts to ache regularly and you are not sure why.  Thinking back to the days, months, or even years prior trying to pin down an exact day or time when you may have done something to cause this pain.  Speaking from experience, my shoulder pain came years after the injury.

After doing some research I found out some things that I didn’t know about the shoulder.  The Shoulder is one of the largest and one of the most mobile bones in your body.  I read an article that talked about how we use our shoulders to communicate our true feelings.  For example; when someone asks you a question, and you don’t know the answer, most people shrug their shoulders up while at the same time saying “I don’t know”.  This article went on to explain that you can tell confidence, sadness, and other emotions all just by the posture of ones shoulders.  This got me thinking about what I am carrying on my shoulders that affect my posture.  Or my ability to stand up straight and walk this path carved out for me by God with my head held high.

The pain comes from carrying the weight of other people’s issues and problems.  Not only do we carry around on our shoulders our own burdens and challenges, but we also take on troubles that we picked up along the way from friends, families, and romantic relationships.

So I ask myself, what am I carrying around on my shoulders that does not belong to me and that I need to hand off to its owners.  With that I still need to lighten the load of my own challenges, stress, and tension that should be surrendered to God.  Now I am ask you the same. What are you carrying around on your shoulders that you need to reevaluate, drop off, and hand over to God?

The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads. – Psalm 145:14

Until next time…

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